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Criminal Cases

  • Crimes As Per Uae Crimes And Penalies Law

    These are criminal cases stipulated exclusively in the federal law No. 31 of 2021.

  • Cybercrimes

    These are cases filed in case of committing an illegal act or activity through electronic networks carried out by a group of individuals known as hackers.

  • Commercial Connivance Cases

    These are cases of unfair and illegal commercial practices, such as counterfeiting products and commercial transactions, false pricing, smuggling of goods, tax evasion, and illegal trading in prohibited or restricted products.

  • Violations Of The Entry & Residence Law Crimes

    Acts or behaviors that violate the provisions of Federal Law No. 29 of 2021 concerning the Entry and Residence of Foreigners.

  • Money Laundering & Anti-Terrorism Finance Crimes

    The process of disguising the proceeds of illegal activity for illegal money, as money laundering and terrorism financing are closely linked.

  • Anti-Discrimination & Hate Crimes

    These are cases raised when individuals are subjected to forms of discrimination and hatred.

  • Firearms & Ammunition Crimes

    Cases violating the penal legislation regulating the prohibition of using firearms and ammunition or possessing, selling, or distributing them.

  • Terrorism Related Crimes

    Cases violating the special criminal legislation organizing the prevention and combating of terrorist acts and punishing the persons who commit these acts.

  • Human Trafficking Crimes

    All forms of sexual exploitation, involvement of others in prostitution, enslavement, servile work, trafficking in human organs, forced labor, begging, and practices similar to slavery.

  • Copyrights Crimes

    These are the actions taken by the copyright owner or their agents to defend their rights related to artistic literary works, by protecting their rights and preventing the use of the work in an illegal way or without the owner's permission.

  • Commercial Agency Crimes

    The cases related to the right’s holder or the commercial agent filing a cases against someone or a company.

  • Trademarks Crimes

    A cases against a person or a company accused of violating trademarks.

  • Patent Law Crimes

    Procedures taken by individuals or companies to protect their rights in inventions, designs, drawings, and industrial models.

  • Fraud & Deception Crimes

    Cases filed in case of fraudulently seizing money, or possessing, selling, or offering a counterfeit product (or service) with the intention of trading.

  • Drugs Crimes

    Cases for violation of the penal legislation aimed at combating all forms of crimes related to drugs such as possession, use, and trafficking, etc.

  • Traffic Crimes

    Cases for violating the legislation aimed at preventing acts that violate the traffic law.

  • Defamation Crimes

    Defamation of an individual, entity, or organization through illegal or improper means.

  • Medical Liability Claims

    Cases filed by patients, their families, or heirs seeking compensation for harm suffered due to medical errors.

  • Juvenile Crimes

    They are criminal cases that are filed when individuals who have not reached the age of eighteen commit crimes.

Civil Cases

  • Civil Transaction Cases

    Cases filed under the civil transaction law, addressing matters such as contractual financial disputes, compensation for personal injuries, and material and moral damages, etc.

  • Contract Claims

    Cases pertaining to a contract, whether to resolve a dispute or disagreement between the contracting parties.

  • Real Estate Claims

    These are cases with a subject matter of real estate, often arising from disputes over ownership or the right to benefit from it.

  • Professional Mistakes Claims

    These are cases resulting from neglecting professional duties or disciplinary violations.

  • Medical Liability Claims

    Cases filed by patients, their families, or heirs seeking compensation for harm suffered due to medical errors.

  • Compensation Claims

    Legal claims made by a natural or legal person, or a group of persons, against a responsible party or parties seeking compensation for direct or indirect harm suffered.

  • Insurance Claims

    These are cases resulting from insurance contracts, in which the insured and the insurer cooperate to face risks.

Family Law Cases

  • Marriage And Divorce Cases

    Cases related to the legal proceedings concerning the establishment or dissolution of marriage for Muslims.

  • Inheritance Cases

    Cases initiated to resolve matters related to the distribution of properties and assets following someone's death.

  • Proof Of Parentage Cases

    Proof of parentage cases are legal proceedings to confirm the validity of between two individuals and establish their lineage.

  • Custody Cases

    Custody cases are legal proceedings undertaken to determine the rights and regulations of child care after the end of a marital relationship.

  • Alimony Cases

    Alimony cases are legal proceedings undertaken to demand financial support from another person, typically used in the context of family relations.

Civil Marriage Cases

  • Marriage / Divorce / Others

    Cases concerning a marriage contract agreed upon by two non-Muslim parties, based on the conditions stipulated in the civil personal status law.

Commercial Transaction Cases

  • Commercial Transaction Cases

    These are cases arising from commercial activities, and the most important of them are speculation, brokerage, and commercial agency activities.

  • E-Transactions Cases

    These are cases resulting from any electronic commercial transactions that are concluded, executed or issued electronically.

  • Fraud Cases

    The cases filed by companies or consumers against other individuals or companies suspected of engaging in unlawful or unethical activities in the market.

  • Credit Transactions Cases

    These are disputes or disagreements that arise between parties involved in a credit transaction. This may be between the client and the financing institution or bank, or between the seller and the credit-granting company.

  • Insolvency Cases

    These are claims made by a debtor when he is unable to meet his financial obligations due to circumstances beyond his control.

Labor Cases

  • Labor Cases

    These are cases that may be brought by a worker or employer to settle disputes related to the regulation of work relations, defining the rights and obligations of the parties.

Rental Disputes Cases

  • Rental Disputes Cases

    These are cases raised before the competent rental disputes settlement committees in the country.

Banking Cases

  • Banking Cases

    These are legal disputes that arise between parties involved in banking transactions, such as deposits, loans, money transfers, electronic payments, and other banking operations.

Tax Cases

  • Tax Cases

    These are legal processes carried out by tax authorities to collect fees and taxes due on taxpayers.

Intellectual Property Cases

  • Trademark Cases

    These are claims related to unlawful practices of trademarks.

  • Patents, Drawing & Industrial Design Cases

    These are actions taken by individuals or companies to protect their rights in innovations, designs, drawings, and industrial models.

  • Publications & Publishing Cases

    These are actions taken in the event of infringement of rights related to printed or published materials, such as books, drawings, music pieces, etc.

  • Copyright Cases

    These are actions taken by the copyright owner or his agents to defend their rights related to artistic literary works, by protecting the rights of use and preventing the work from being used unlawfully or without the owner's permission.

DIFC Courts Cases

  • DIFC Courts Cases

    These are the claims under the jurisdiction of the Dubai International Financial Centre courts.

ADGM Courts Cases

  • ADGM Courts Cases

    These are the cases that are specifically considered by the Abu Dhabi Global Market Courts.

public.stoke commodities cases

  • Stoke & Commodities Cases

    These are the actions that individuals, companies, or investors can take when their rights related to the securities and commodities market are violated.

Adminstrative Cases

  • Adminstrative Cases

    Administrative cases are the cases filed before the competent administrative departments, where federal or local governments are a party to them.

Constitutional Cases

  • Constitutional Cases

    The cases that relate to challenging a law that is suspected of being unconstitutional and is raised before the Supreme Federal Court.

Arbitration Cases

  • Arbitration Cases

    The alternative method of resolving disputes, especially commercial and real estate, instead of judicial courts.

Family & Child Rights Law Cases

  • Family & Child Rights Law Cases

    These are cases related to protecting children's rights and ensuring their health, educational, psychological, and social care, and the family's responsibility towards that.

Consumer Protection Cases

  • Consumer Protection Cases

    The procedures enable consumers to take legal actions to protect their rights and interests in the products and services they receive from companies and suppliers.

Transportation Cases

  • Maritime Cases

    These are legal disputes related to the transportation or shipping of goods or people across the sea.

  • Air Transport Cases

    These are legal disputes related to the transportation or shipping of goods or people by air.

  • Cargo Cases

    Cargo Cases refer to legal actions taken by an individual or company contracted with shipping or transportation services to assert their rights concerning the transportation of goods from one place to another.

  • Transfer Of Individuals Cases

    Transfer Of Individuals Cases refer to the legal procedures taken by individuals take when there is a dispute in the transportation of people through various means of transportation such as air travel, sea travel, and road travel.

Environment Cases

  • Environment Cases

    These are actions taken by individuals, organizations, or governments to protect the environment and conserve it from pollution or damage resulting from human activities.

Judicial Committees

  • Judicial Committees

    These are judicial bodies composed of a group of judges and experts to consider cases and make appropriate decisions on them.

Orders For Payment

  • Orders For Payment

    A legal procedure submitted to the court to secure a known, specific amount of debt, and condition of performance.

Interim Injuction Claims

  • Urgent Cases

    These are judicial proceedings taken when a person needs to obtain a court decision quickly and immediately as per the conditions stipulated by law, instead of waiting for a long period before obtaining the final judgment.

  • Freezing Order

    It is a request submitted by the creditor to seize the debtor's funds or assets to ensure that his right is not lost.

  • Travel Ban

    A request submitted by the interested party to the department of urgent matters or the court to prevent the debtor from traveling if he has reasonable reasons that the debtor escape or leave the country.

  • Other Orders

    Any other requests except for urgent cases, freezing order, and travel ban.

Judicial Custody Requests

  • Judicial Custody Requests

    These are requests made to the court by one of the interested parties with the aim of obtaining the court's directives to appoint a judicial guardian to maintain certain properties or legal interests.

Expert Appointment

  • Expert Appointment

    Expert Appointment requests refer to a request submitted to the court or the judicial authority to appoint an independent expert to help evaluate and clarify technical or complex issues.

Debt Settlement & Collection

  • Debt Settlement & Collection

    It is the process of collecting or rescheduling someone's due debts, determining a new payment plan that the person can adhere to so that the amount due is reduced or the repayment period is extended or both.

Trademark Registration

  • Trademark Registration

    It is the process of registering a trademark for a specific product or service with the competent authorities in the country.

Commercial Agency Registration

  • Commercial Agency Registration

    It is the procedure in which the agent is registered to represent the principal in the distribution of goods and products or offering them for sale and trading in exchange for a profit or commission.

Patent Registration

  • Patent Registration

    It is the process of protecting the intellectual property rights of the inventor for his invention.

Notary Public & Attestations

  • Notary Public & Attestations

    Documenting contracts, agreements, transactions, and declarations at the notary public.

Minor Claims

  • Labour Without Representation Which Valued Less Than 10,000 AED

    This service will allow you to retain services from a lawyer (with the option of being represented at an extra fee of 500 AED) or a legal consultant, at a fixed price (1000 AED).

  • Labour With Representation Which Valued Less Than 10,000 AED

    This service will allow you to retain services from a lawyer (with the option of being represented at an extra fee of 500 AED) or a legal consultant, at a fixed price (1000 AED).

  • Labour With Representation Which Valued Between 10,000 And 100,000 AED

    This service will allow you to retain services from a lawyer (with the option of being represented at an extra fee of 500 AED) or a legal consultant, at a price proportional to the claim (5% of the claim).

  • Labour Without Representation Which Valued Between 10,000 And 100,000 AED

    This service will allow you to retain services from a lawyer (with the option of being represented at an extra fee of 500 AED) or a legal consultant, at a price proportional to the claim (5% of the claim).

  • Civil Without Representation Which Valued Less Than 10,000 AED

    This service will allow you to retain services from a lawyer (with the option of being represented at an extra fee of 500 AED) or a legal consultant, at a fixed price (1000 AED).

  • Civil With Representation Which Valued Less Than 10,000 AED

    This service will allow you to retain services from a lawyer (with the option of being represented at an extra fee of 500 AED) or a legal consultant, at a fixed price (1000 AED).

  • Civil With Representation Which Valued Between 10,000 And 100,000 AED

    This service will allow you to retain services from a lawyer (with the option of being represented at an extra fee of 500 AED) or a legal consultant, at a price proportional to the claim (5% of the claim).

  • Civil Without Representation Which Valued Between 10,000 And 100,000 AED

    This service will allow you to retain services from a lawyer (with the option of being represented at an extra fee of 500 AED) or a legal consultant, at a price proportional to the claim (5% of the claim).


  • Rent Contract Forms

    These are models used to determine the terms and conditions of the relationship between the owner or the lessor on one hand, and the lessee on the other hand.

  • Commercial Agency Forms

    These are commercial models used in sales and marketing processes, for a specific product or service between the manufacturer or provider and the agent.

  • Memorandum Of Understanding Forms

    These are models of documents used to clarify the basic terms of agreements for the purpose of cooperation between parties.

  • Researches And Legal Studies

    This is a collection of legal studies and research related to legislations and legal principles.

  • Purchase / Sale Contract Forms

    These are models used in commercial transactions that determine the terms of selling or purchasing a product or service.

  • Company Agreement & Shares Assignment Forms

    These are models used for the purpose of establishing a company by investors, and also for the exchange of shares between the parties.

  • Non Disclosure Forms

    These are templates for contracts used to protect work-related information between the employer and the informed and its user for the purpose of preserving the confidentiality of this information.

  • Non Competition Forms

    These are templates for contracts used to protect a product or activity between the employer and the worker for the purpose of non-competition.

  • Acknowlegement Forms

    These are templates for documents aimed at identifying the rights and obligations of the concerned parties and reporting the legal actions taken.

  • Waiver forms

    These are templates for documents intended to document attain the waiver between the parties about certain rights.

  • Undertaking / Commitment Forms

    These are templates for documents aimed at a party pledging to another party certain obligations.

  • UAE Federal & Local Laws

    This is a library that includes a set of systems and legislative decisions and federal and local regulations.


  • Appointment of an Expert

    It is a service provided by an expert who has highly skilled individual with a deep understanding and mastery in a specific field.